Yesterday we decided to work in the front yard garden as a family project. My husband and I pulled weeds and our youngest 3 kids filled our garden wagon 3 times with the weeds we'd pulled. They then divided the weeds between our goats and the pot belly pigs.
Our oldest 2 children helped by picking green beans, and pick they did!
We pulled out 2 tomato plants that our goats had destroyed a couple days ago. I plucked all the green tomatoes off the plants before we fed the plants to the pigs. We picked all of our tomatoes, and sadly found some squishy rotting on the vines. I think our pot belly pigs must have thought it was their birthday.
I harvested my first homegrown eggplant, which I was really excited about. We enjoy a good fried eggplant. We also picked our first fresh green pepper for the year (not pictured) and we ate it in our eggs for breakfast this morning.
We'll be sorting through the beans today and seting aside the ones that will be dried for soup beans. Most of the tomatoes will be cooked down for sauce.
Our backyard garden is doing amazingly well, too. We have more tomatoes planted back there, green beans, acorn squash, and spaghetti squash, sweet peppers, pumpkins, and a few volunteer sunflowers.
How's your garden? Has the drought affected your growing season or were you able to keep it watered?
We are getting ready to plant the autumn garden. It sounds like your garden is doing very well this year!