Friday, April 5, 2013

Mt. Hope = Crazy!

Today was Day 2 of the Mt. Hope Spring Exotic Sale.   I have to say I am always amazed/surprised at how much money a person will pay for that one must have chicken.

I watched Tolbunt Polish, a reverse trio, sell for $65 a head. Which, if you know what a Tolbunt Polish is and what they normally go for, that was pretty cheap.

A Dark Brahma rooster, on the other hand, sold for $350.

We saw an Old English Game Hen with 10 chicks sell for $75.  Then a white flemish rabbit with 7 babies sold for $70.  I'm seriously beginning to think I am in the wrong business!!

Spotted skunks, $250.00,  wallabies for $2500, and 2 baby emus brought $300 each!

I  bought a $10 rabbit for $10.  Thank goodness there aren't any crazies buying mutt rabbits for $50 each right now.  (Probably just before Easter they did, though.)

1 comment:

  1. It never ceases to amaze me what some people will pay for a chicken!!! Not me....I will keep my money here on the farm, I would rather put it into fencing, for my breeders! Cute bunny by the way..... LOVE it!
