Friday, March 15, 2013

Oh, hi! Remember me?! Darn those cookies!!

Finally a blog post!  My computer had a case of "technology flu" and for some reason, my cookies were broken.  Guess what?  You need cookies to log into things like blogger.  And eBay (oh sweet eBay how have I missed you?!  Really, not that much...)  I tried fixing those dang cookies for weeks and finally gave up.

Then I realized I had let my virus protection lapse!!  A quick renewal, computer clean up, defrag, and some other stuff, restarting a gazillion times, and finally those cookies are fixed!! All back to normal, and no crumbs to speak of...

Speaking of cookies....

This is what I've been filling my time with!  This has been thanks to pinterest for ideas and piddling around in my kitchen with Wilton cake bags and tips!!  It's been tons of fun!

We're really looking forward to spring around here.  Ready for nice weather,  chicks hatching,  freshly mowed grass (believe it or not there's a young fella about 2 miles up the road who was already mowing his yard!! and there's not yet new grass to mow!!),  spring rains, MUD!!  Oh yes, I much prefer mud to snow!!

I think most of us have had enough of winter.  I'm really excited with what we're working on for our farm, and our plans we've made thus far for the summer.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Those cookies are beautiful. Good job!! So glad to see you are back up and running.
